Want a blockchain job in big tech? This course might help you land one

Want a blockchain job in big tech? This course might help you land one
By Mix

What do Facebook, Visa, Shell, IBM, and EY have in common (other than being stupid rich)? They’re all hiring blockchain talent. Indeed, blockchain jobs are popping up all over the place these days. If you ever thought about learning the ins and outs of distributed ledger tech, now might be a good time – and we’ve got an idea where you can start. The University of California, Berkeley is currently running a “Blockchain Technology” online course on EdX. Among other things, the course will familiarize you with various consensus mechanisms (like Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work or Ethereum’s upcoming Proof-of-Stake), the concept of tokenomics, and…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 2, 2019 at 09:11PM
via The Next Web http://bit.ly/2Wegu9H


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