Dutch central bank tested blockchain for 3 years. The results? ‘Not that positive’

Dutch central bank tested blockchain for 3 years. The results? ‘Not that positive’
By David Canellis

The Dutch central bank developed and evaluated four distributed ledger technology (DLT) prototypes in three years, but so far blockchain hasn’t lived up to the hype, The Banker reports. In fact, the only use-case it can easily envision is cross-border payments, after it discovered that markets with efficient payment systems that exist (such as Nordic countries and the Netherlands) don’t really benefit from blockchain. The bank said limitations of DLT include inefficiency caused by high energy consumption, lack of full certainty that payments are completed, and capacity shortages. “We started with baby steps, understanding the Bitcoin software and mining in a centralised…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 1, 2019 at 08:15PM
via The Next Web http://bit.ly/2JfFAS7


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