10 things we learned from the Democratic candidates’ Instagrams

10 things we learned from the Democratic candidates’ Instagrams
By Bryan Clark

In a crowded pool of candidates, one stacked from top to bottom with political icons and young upstarts hoping to unseat them, it’s time to put up or shut up. The Presidential Election is still more than 18 months away, but we find ourselves quickly encroaching on primary and caucus season. The first, in Iowa, is scheduled for Monday, February 3. A month later there’s Super Tuesday, a single day smackdown with 12 primaries in 24 hours that could make or break a candidate’s chances at taking on President Donald Trump (the presumptive Republican nominee) for a bid at the…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 2, 2019 at 07:59PM
via The Next Web http://bit.ly/2Wma9cu


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