TNW2019 Daily: Register for roundtables and workshops

TNW2019 Daily: Register for roundtables and workshops
By Ailsa Sherrington

There are eight days left until TNW Conference! Do you know what that means? It’s time to register for TNW2019 sessions! Roundtables and workshops are now open Deep-dive into topics on the future of tech at TNW2019! Join hands-on workshops and roundtable discussions with industry experts in every field of tech imaginable. Use your ticket ID to sign up now for your favorites. Be quick – these are already filling up fast! Pro tip: if you’re still trying to convince your boss that you should attend TNW2019, this is a great way to do it. Scroll through the sessions and find the…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 1, 2019 at 09:45PM
via The Next Web


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