This bus driving simulator game plays like Snake, and looks like a blast

This bus driving simulator game plays like Snake, and looks like a blast
By Abhimanyu Ghoshal

If you ever owned a Nokia dumb phone from the 90s, you probably played the hell out of Snake, which came pre-loaded on most models back then. Now, Seattle-based indie studio Stovetop has a wacky take on the original that replaces the pixel-width snake with a bus, and scales the environment up to an entire city. It’s called Snakeybus, and it promises to test your reflexes and foresight as you drive through Paris, Miami, or a suburban area at breakneck speeds. As you pick up passengers along the way, your bus will elongate, and you’ll have to do your best…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 2, 2019 at 11:39AM
via The Next Web


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