Julian Assange: Convicted, unrepentant, and behind bars

Julian Assange: Convicted, unrepentant, and behind bars
By Matthew Hughes

It was an ignoble end for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. After having spent almost seven years defiantly hiding in Ecuador’s London embassy, where he spread state secrets and bodily excretions alike, his tenancy was ended by several burly coppers who dragged him by into a waiting police van as he yelled incoherently about Gore Vidal. BREAKING: #Assange removed from embassy – video pic.twitter.com/qsHy7ZVPg5 — Ruptly (@Ruptly) April 11, 2019 The Met’s finest then took Assange, who at this point looked like the greasy lovechild of Rasputin and Saddam Hussein, to a Central London police station, where he was charged with…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 1, 2019 at 10:30PM
via The Next Web http://bit.ly/2VyfqAx


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