You should be excited about 5G because it’s both fast and cool

You should be excited about 5G because it’s both fast and cool
By Gil Regev

By now we’ve all heard that 5G is coming, and if you’re a mobile consumer you might be thinking, “so what?” Why should you care about the next generation of wireless network technology? Isn’t it just another iteration, bringing incremental changes that are no big deal? No. No, it isn’t. 5G technology is actually a great leap forward. For one thing, it’s fast — really fast. As in at least 10 times faster than 4G, and up to a 100 times faster at its full potential. So you can stream video live with almost zero lag time, and download a full-length…

This story continues at The Next Web

April 28, 2018 at 10:30PM
via The Next Web


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