China’s Golaxy AI defeats top Go player too — but is it ready for DeepMind?

China’s Golaxy AI defeats top Go player too — but is it ready for DeepMind?
By Tristan Greene

China has finally developed its own Go-master AI called Golaxy. Last week it overwhelmingly defeated Chinese Go champion Ke Jie, putting it on par with its Silicon Valley contemporary in Google’s Alpha Go. What it means: Maybe humans just aren’t very good at Go. We’re like the Washington Generals of board games (making AI the Harlem Globetrotters). And that’s because games with a set of rules that don’t require arbitration or interpretation are perfectly suited for dominance by AI. IBM’s machines mastered chess decades ago with Deep Blue’s defeat of Garry Kasparov, Go was supposed to be too complex for…

This story continues at The Next Web

April 30, 2018 at 10:05PM
via The Next Web


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