In these dark times, Yeezy Dating is what every Kanye fan needs

In these dark times, Yeezy Dating is what every Kanye fan needs
By Georgina Ustik

On April 13th, for better or worse, someone gave Kanye West his Twitter password back. What followed was a tweet storm of epic proportions, consisting of cryptic rants interrupted by the occasional fashion photo. It included him backing conservative, and accused far-right, figures — as well as his buddy Trump. Why, you ask? Because he’s writing a book “in real time.” Duh. It’s always been tricky to be a Kanye fan. He values freedom of speech above most, but his opinions are given so obnoxiously they can’t be ignored. Personally, I’ve always been fond of him for his enduring self-belief and eagerness…

This story continues at The Next Web

April 28, 2018 at 02:35PM
via The Next Web


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