This eco-friendly phone booth solves the biggest problem with open plan offices

This eco-friendly phone booth solves the biggest problem with open plan offices
By Matthew Hughes

Open plan offices are increasingly popular, and can be found in a diverse array of workplaces: from premium headphone manufacturers, to even international spy agencies. But they’re also, let’s face it, pretty awful. Proponents of the open-plan office design fĂȘte the fact that it permits greater collaboration — if you can see your co-workers, it’s easier to strike up a conversation with them and share new ideas. That’s good for company culture. However, the downsides more than outweigh that, as open plan offices are hugely distracting. Your productivity suffers if your concentration breaks whenever someone sneezes, or strikes up an…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 1, 2018 at 03:04AM
via The Next Web


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