Have I Been Pwned’s Troy Hunt will answer all your good questions about bad passwords

Have I Been Pwned’s Troy Hunt will answer all your good questions about bad passwords
By Georgina Ustik

What do you think of websites that do the same thing as “Have I been pwnd?” but charge money for divulging hacked accounts? What’s the worst password you’ve ever seen? Do you see Cambridge Analytica as a turning point for people being aware of the dangers of data breaches? Who’s the coolest celeb you’ve peeped on”Have I been pwnd?” and did they have a dorky password? Ask all this and more to web security expert, Troy Hunt. Troy Hunt is the Regional Director and Most Valuable Professional at Microsoft. He’s also a Pluralsight author, world-renowned internet security specialist, and creator of…

This story continues at The Next Web

April 30, 2018 at 10:00PM
via The Next Web https://ift.tt/2FtCmEY


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