Twitter also sold data to Cambridge Analytica researcher Aleksandr Kogan

Twitter also sold data to Cambridge Analytica researcher Aleksandr Kogan
By Tristan Greene

Everyone who didn’t sell data to Cambridge Analytica or Aleksandr Kogan please take one step forward. Not so fast @Jack. Twitter, it turns out, also sold data to the former Cambridge Analytica researcher who tricked Facebook users into helping him digitally gerrymander the 2016 US presidential election. According to The Telegraph, Dr. Aleksandr Kogan, the mind behind the personality quiz that Cambridge Analytica used to glean personal data from more than 80 million people, bought data from Twitter in 2015. Kogan, of course, denies the Twitter data had anything to do with his work for Cambridge Analytica leading up to…

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May 1, 2018 at 12:38AM
via The Next Web


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