Patients should control their data, and this blockchain startup wants to make it happen

Patients should control their data, and this blockchain startup wants to make it happen
By Rebecca Campbell

The cost of healthcare is rising globally. Research from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that the average spending cost on healthcare in 11 high-income countries was 11.5 percent in 2016. The nations involved included Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, and the US. Among the aforementioned countries, the cost of healthcare in the US is a major concern. In 2016, the nation spent 17.8 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) on healthcare, reaching 4.6 percent to $3.4 trillion. Spread out among the entire population of the US, that number…

This story continues at The Next Web

June 28, 2018 at 02:49PM
via The Next Web


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