After The Rock’s headphones, what other products should celebs release?

After The Rock’s headphones, what other products should celebs release?
By Callum Booth

THE ROCK – the world’s most charismatic steroid user – has just released a product he described on Instagram as “the WORLD’S FIRST over the ear headphones engineered for HARDCORE TRAINING.” Apart from, THE ROCK, they aren’t really, are they? Are they? Are they really, THE ROCK? In fact, other famous person Cristiano Ronaldo – in conjunction with Monster – has already released his own pair of over-ear headphones engineered for sport. They’re called, and I quote, “ROC SPORT BLACK PLATINUM OVER-EAR HEADPHONES.” The caps are required, otherwise they’re not extreme. To be fair to THE ROCK, the marketing collateral…

This story continues at The Next Web

June 29, 2018 at 09:28PM
via The Next Web


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