GDPR is here, but it doesn’t mean your business is done prepping

GDPR is here, but it doesn’t mean your business is done prepping
By Jacek Materna

It’s been just a few weeks since the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect, and aside from some high level lawsuits from activist lawyers looking to prove a point, it’s been pretty much business as usual. The media portrayed GDPR as the next and possibly more disruptive Y2K, like at midnight on May 25, 2018, the data breach police would be knocking down doors and shuttering businesses. This long drawn out regulation could actually take a few months to uncover non-compliant companies. GDPR is all about putting personal data back in the hands of the citizen, the individual, the…

This story continues at The Next Web

June 30, 2018 at 06:30PM
via The Next Web


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