Lightning-powered app lets you play roulette on the blockchain

Lightning-powered app lets you play roulette on the blockchain
By Neer Varshney

Blockchain developers won’t be at peace until every single thing in the world is on blockchain. Or, so it seems. Web developer Rui Gomes has created Lighting Spin — a web app that lets you play roulette over Bitcoin Lightning Network. The app lets you wager anywhere between 1,000 Satoshi (approximately 6¢) to 100,000 Satoshi (approximately $6) per round. All you need to play the game is load your balance using a wallet service with support for the Lightning Network – like Eclair, for instance. You can choose the multiplier you want to wage at. This means that if you…

This story continues at The Next Web

June 29, 2018 at 03:51PM
via The Next Web


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