Nostalgiasm: YouTuber reimagines Windows 95 as a mobile OS

Nostalgiasm: YouTuber reimagines Windows 95 as a mobile OS
By Abhimanyu Ghoshal

Years before we ever debated the virtues of skeuomorphism versus those of flat design for mobile platforms, Microsoft had most of the world navigating their desktop files and programs in a mostly gray interface with Windows 95. Now, thanks to YouTube channel 4096, you can see what a modern mobile OS with Redmond’s design sensibilities from 23 years ago would look like. The Windows 95 Mobile concept video brings back iconic graphic elements from the beloved OS, like the taskbar and Start menu, classic icons and splash screens for programs, and everyone’s favorite virtual assistant, Clippy. Be sure to look…

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June 28, 2018 at 04:58PM
via The Next Web


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