DeepMind’s AI learned to turn flat images into 3D scenes

DeepMind’s AI learned to turn flat images into 3D scenes
By Tristan Greene

Google’s UK-based sister company, DeepMind, recently developed an AI that can render entire scenes in 3D after having only observed them as flat 2D images. Broad strokes: AI researchers at the cutting-edge are trying to teach machines to learn like humans. Rather than see the world in pixels, we look around our environment and make assumptions about everything in it. If we can see someone’s chest, we assume they also have a back, even though it may not be visible from our perspective. If you play peek-a-boo with a baby they learn that your face still exists even if you…

This story continues at The Next Web

June 29, 2018 at 09:59PM
via The Next Web


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