I Keep My Holiday Lights Up All Year Long—Here's Why You Should, Too

I Keep My Holiday Lights Up All Year Long—Here's Why You Should, Too
By Elizabeth Seward

I wish I could tell you about the first time I realized that holiday lights look great as year-round interior decor, but I don't remember a specific incident that acted as a catalyst here. Perhaps—in fact, most likely—it was when I was still in high school, living with my parents in the woods of Appalachia. Without much to do as a byproduct of living in a remote place and being a teenager, my bedroom became my sanctuary, just as it is for other teenagers across the world. It's a tale as old as time. So I expressed myself hard in that space. I drew on the walls, collected band posters with pride, and draped twinkle lights about that I kept there all year long.

I did this again in my apartments in New York City as a young adult and yet again in the first standalone house I ever lived in as an older young adult in Austin, Texas. Once I became a parent, I went a little extra overboard on the holiday lights for my daughter's first Christmas, stringing them every which way across my living room ceiling. I didn't take those lights down for two years, and they only came down because I was moving out of that house, transporting my life one last time, from Michigan to Oregon. When I spent my first Christmas in my new home last year, I joked as I framed my fireplace in small white lights. "These aren't ever coming down," I said.


December 30, 2018 at 11:45PM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time http://bit.ly/2SskO3b


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