9 Celebs Share The Books You Should Add To Your 2019 Reading List

9 Celebs Share The Books You Should Add To Your 2019 Reading List
By Nicoletta Richardson

For many, a new year means a new reading list that you're determined to get through in 365 days. To help you with your 2019 goals, some of our favorite celebrities shared what they read this past year—giving you an inside look as to what you should stack on your nightstand next.

Regardless of whether they like eBooks or the real deal, almost all the well-known personalities we've spoken with are burying themselves in a good read. From actress Olivia Wilde to interior designer Jonathan Adler and everyone in between, we've rounded up current books that they've dived into. You're next!


December 31, 2018 at 01:45AM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time http://bit.ly/2LMzbgt


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