A Vintage Furniture Collector's Thrifted Home — House Call

A Vintage Furniture Collector's Thrifted Home — House Call
By Apartment Therapy Submissions

Name: Kelly Wheeler and three kids
Location: Darien, Illinois
Size: 1,500 square feet
Years lived in: 6 years, owned

I bought my home six years ago and live here with my three kids, Jack, Brice, and Ireland. The home is a split-level that was built in the '80s and when I moved in, it had wall-to-wall carpet and white walls. It was very dark and generic but I loved that it had lots of windows and space. I had a small budget and I used it all on the hardwood floors—which meant I had to DIY everything else. Since I had absolutely no money left for furniture, I started thrifting/junking to fill up my home.


December 28, 2018 at 08:00PM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time http://bit.ly/2VfkhU3


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