Check Out the Floor Plans of 7 Famous Movie Hotel Rooms

Check Out the Floor Plans of 7 Famous Movie Hotel Rooms
By Maggie Fremont

There are movie fans and then there are movie fans, you know? For some true cinephiles, simply watching their favorite movie over and over again until they have the entire thing memorized and confuse its fictional characters for real people is not enough (not like I've ever done that with "Sleepless in Seattle" or anything, nothing to see here!). No, some true movie fans crave a more immersive experience. Standing where the characters in their favorite films stood. Taking in the same view. Maybe lying in the same bed? If that describes you (hey, no judgment here), it looks like Expedia may be able to help you in your endeavor.


December 28, 2018 at 11:45PM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time


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