8 PR trends that will actually happen in 2019

8 PR trends that will actually happen in 2019
By Ed Zitron

As PR professionals, we have all nearly done a good job surviving another year in this industry, and yes, I consider “you’re breathing” to be about the only standard I can hold our profession to reliably. It’s been a banner year for some of the dumbest things in public relations with blunders including H&M’s insanely racist shirt, the Victoria’s Secret CMO being a huge transphobic asshole, and this extremely ‘correct’ usage of #MeToo by a PR person. In reality, the PR trends that were meant to happen in 2018 didn’t. Though these very vague prediction articles, built only for SEO,…

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December 29, 2018 at 05:00AM
via The Next Web http://bit.ly/2CEUddR
