This $13 Accessory Single-Handedly Made Me a Candle Person

This $13 Accessory Single-Handedly Made Me a Candle Person
By Kelsey Mulvey

I have a confession to make: I'm low-key obsessed with candles. Maybe it's the delicious scents or the gorgeous glow, but there's something instantaneously soothing about lighting a candle. Not only do I have one burning virtually 24/7 (when I'm home, that is), but I also have an entire cabinet solely dedicated to candles. Think they're a lame or impersonal present? I'd happily take 'em off your hands! (Kidding... ish.)

But it wasn't always that way. If I'm being totally honest, I was once nervous to light candles in my house. What if I forgot to blow it out before going to bed? What if a stray spark flickered the wrong way, caught my couch on fire, and burned my entire apartment down? I know, it's a little dramatic, but stranger things have happened. For a while, the mere thought of something bad happening made me reluctant to even have candles in my house.

Shortly after I moved into my first grown-up apartment, I purchased a hurricane—and am giving it full credit for my candle-loving ways.


November 30, 2018 at 09:45PM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time


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