Starbucks caves to prude pressure, bans porn on its free Wi-Fi

Starbucks caves to prude pressure, bans porn on its free Wi-Fi
By Vishwam Sankaran

Starbucks thinks it has finally found a way to prevent customers from using its free Wi-Fi to watch porn. The coffee giant said that it will roll out a porn-blocking tool across numerous stores starting from next year. A Starbucks spokesperson told Business Insider that the the company tested multiple tools before arriving at the current solution, hoping to avoid methods that accidentally blocked unoffensive sites. Starbucks came up with the tool after years of pressure from the anti-porn internet safety group Enough is Enough. The group has been circulating a petition signed by more than 26,000 people, calling for…

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November 29, 2018 at 05:00PM
via The Next Web


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