The Best Soda Makers — The Best List

The Best Soda Makers — The Best List
By Nicole Lund

Soda makers, otherwise known as carbonators, may be the kitchen appliance you probably don't realize you need. Bubbly drinks like seltzer and Prosecco are typically associated with special occasions, but the rise in popularity of flavored drinks like La Croix are making carbonated beverages more accessible, not to mention more fun.

Getting that bubbly taste at home hasn't always been easy. While soda makers have been around for awhile, the original versions were clunky and not always reliable. Today's carbonators are sleeker, more powerful, and more functional — perfect for your kitchen. Here's our roundup of the best soda makers on the market, so you can stop lugging bottles of carbonated drinks from the store and start making your own custom drinks right at home.


November 30, 2018 at 12:15AM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time


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