Steam removes controversial game accused of mining cryptocurrency

Steam removes controversial game accused of mining cryptocurrency
By Matthew Beedham

Steam has removed “trivial platformer” game Abstractism from its store following accusations that the game is surreptitiously stealing users’ computing power to mine cryptocurrency. “We have removed Abstractism and banned its developer from Steam for shipping unauthorized code, trolling with content, and scamming customers with deceptive in-game items,” Doug Lombardi, VP of Marketing at Steam, told Hard Fork in an email. Eurogamer reports the story first surfaced after YouTuber SidAlpha highlighted how the game was using excessive amounts of GPU and CPU resources, despite being a very visually and technically simple game. Under further scrutiny, it became evident that even…

This story continues at The Next Web

July 31, 2018 at 03:50PM
via The Next Web


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