Facebook uncovers yet another fake news campaign

Facebook uncovers yet another fake news campaign
By Rachel Kaser

Facebook today revealed that, just in time for the American midterm elections, it’s uncovered a new spate of fake news pages guilty of “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” In total, Facebook identified 8 pages, 17 profiles, and 7 Instagram accounts involved in this suspicious behavior. They had names like “Black Elevation” or “Resistors,” and other fairly innocuous things. In total, they ran about $11,000 worth of ads, made more than 9,500 posts, and reached an audience of 290,000 accounts. Nathaniel Gleicher, the Head of Cybersecurity Policy, said Facebook couldn’t identify who was behind the campaign with certainty, but did compare the pattern…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: Facebook

August 1, 2018 at 01:52AM
via The Next Web https://ift.tt/2n5kuJT


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