Researchers find tons of red flags in Bitfi’s ‘unhackable’ cryptocurrency wallet

Researchers find tons of red flags in Bitfi’s ‘unhackable’ cryptocurrency wallet
By David Canellis

Last week, John McAfee offered up $100,000 to anyone who could break into the Bitfi wallet – a device advertised as the world’s first completely “unhackable” cryptocurrency wallet. Bitfi even asked that all attempts be made public. An ad-hoc collective of hackers and security researchers is doing just that, already finding a bunch of kinks that throw the device’s security into question. While nobody has managed to claim the $100,000 reward for stealing the $50 worth of cryptocurrencies inside, the squad have torn it apart. Ryan Castellucci, software engineer and hardware hacker commented that Bitfi appears to be exactly what it seems to…

This story continues at The Next Web

July 31, 2018 at 06:59PM
via The Next Web


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