Binance’s first official acquisition is a mobile cryptocurrency wallet

Binance’s first official acquisition is a mobile cryptocurrency wallet
By David Canellis

It appears Binance might be considering expanding its line of products with a standalone cryptocurrency wallet. The exchange announced it has acquired mobile wallet solution Trust Wallet in an effort to improve “the centralized architecture” of its platform. “Wallts are the most fundamental interface to the crypto economy, and a secure and easy-to-use wallet is key to proliferate the adoption of cryptocurrencies,” Binance CEO and founder Changpeng Zhao said in a statement to Hard Fork. “Trust Wallet is an on-chain wallet, where user private keys are decentralized [and] stored on user devices. This compliments the centralized architecture of Binance nicely.”…

This story continues at The Next Web

July 31, 2018 at 11:05PM
via The Next Web


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