Australian bank used blockchain to ship 17,000 kilos of almonds to Germany

Australian bank used blockchain to ship 17,000 kilos of almonds to Germany
By Matthew Beedham

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia announced it has successfully completed a new blockchain-powered trade experiment at a global scale, as spotted by CoinDesk. The bank confirmed it tracked a batch of 17,000 kilograms (approximately 37,000 pounds) of almonds using a private blockchain built on the Ethereum network. The use of blockchain allowed the shipment to be tracked from its source, in Sunraysia in Victoria, Australia, all the way to its delivery in Hamburg, Germany. According to the announcement, CBA partners could check in on the location, temperature, humidity, and other metrics of the shipment at any point in real-time, regardless…

This story continues at The Next Web

July 30, 2018 at 05:54PM
via The Next Web


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