PSA: Buggy cryptocurrency price ticker exposes Mac users’ funds to theft

PSA: Buggy cryptocurrency price ticker exposes Mac users’ funds to theft
By Matthew Beedham

Cryptocurrency ticker apps can be handy little tools for staying up-to-date with the fluctuating price of your cryptocurrency hodlings. That is, when they’re not installing backdoors that open your computer to potentially malicious attack. One keen eyed Malwarebytes forum user recently noticed that one cryptocurrency ticker app for MacOS called CoinTicker was exhibiting some suspicious behavior. According to the Malwarebytes blog the CoinTicker app installs two “open-source backdoors: EvilOSX and EggShell.” It remains unclear what these two pieces of malware are trying to do on users’ machines. However, Malwarebytes believes that due to the malware being packaged within a cryptocurrency…

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October 30, 2018 at 04:05PM
via The Next Web


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