One Holiday Prep Task You Can't Afford to Put Off 'Til December — Holiday Jumpstart

One Holiday Prep Task You Can't Afford to Put Off 'Til December — Holiday Jumpstart
By Taryn Williford

For 10 days at the end of October, Apartment Therapy wants to help you get ahead on the holidays. Together, we're checking off doable daily tasks to get one step closer to the effortless holiday season you deserve. Sign up now (it's free!) so you don't miss a thing.

Culture has a way of evolving a vocabulary to embrace and explain humanity's common eccentricities. But whether we call it emotional labor, adulting, or GSD (getting sh*t done), the struggle is the same: Sometimes, it can be a challenge to stay on top of menial everyday life stuff.

When you're neglecting basic tasks—whether it's due to a mental illness like depression or just because you're happy focusing on other stuff right now—there's a common bit of advice that echoes among the therapists and the think pieces: Start small. I hope you're not struggling right now (Solidarity if you are! In the interest of disclosure and de-stigmatization, I suffer from depression myself.), but I thought we could take that mantra—start small—and use it to tackle a holiday prep task today.

Something that's easily forgotten until it feels like it's too late.


October 31, 2018 at 05:00PM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time


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