Good internet things, brought to you by new media artist Omayeli Arenyeka

Good internet things, brought to you by new media artist Omayeli Arenyeka
By Omayeli Arenyeka

We sometimes have new media artists take over our daily newsletter, Big Spam. If you like what you’ve read, you can subscribe here. Hi everyone! Hope you’re doing well, today I’m going to do what every newsletter swears they won’t do and spam you! But first, a little bit about me. My name is Omayeli, but I go by Yeli. I am a Nigerian-born artist and programmer. I’m interested broadly in the intersection of technology, art, and activism. For my own work, I use writing, data, code, and satire as tools to foster disillusionment with our current realities. I recently gave…

This story continues at The Next Web

October 31, 2018 at 10:13PM
via The Next Web


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