Google’s Pixel 3 XL grows another notch lmao

Google’s Pixel 3 XL grows another notch lmao
By Callum Booth

In a cruel twist of fate, the most disliked feature of the Google Pixel 3 XL is multiplying. Yes, that’s right, a second notch has appeared on some users‘ phones. Reported on by Android Police, the glitch has been posted on Twitter… So my Pixel randomly grew another notch today. 😂 — UrAvgConsumer (@UrAvgConsumer) October 24, 2018 …and on a number of Reddit threads.   Thankfully for Google Pixel 3 XL users, it appears that the bug is a short term issue. Everyone who has encountered the wild notch solved the problem by either going into developer settings,…

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October 30, 2018 at 04:04PM
via The Next Web


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