The ‘always-on’ mentality is terrible for social media managers — here’s how to switch off without getting left behind

The ‘always-on’ mentality is terrible for social media managers — here’s how to switch off without getting left behind
By Caitlin Hughes

If you’re a Social Media Manager, you’ll probably be expected to live and breathe social media. What used to be considered a bit of a cop-out job done on the side is finally being recognized as a profession that requires knowledge and skill. It also often requires the ability to react quickly to the comments, questions and, complaints of a global audience. Someone, somewhere, is always waiting for your response. Not to mention, you need to produce a lot of quality, relevant content fast, make sure it performs, and have the next posts lined up for at least the next…

This story continues at The Next Web

September 29, 2018 at 02:30PM
via The Next Web


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