Experts Reveal the 10 Big Mistakes First-Time Homebuyers Make

Experts Reveal the 10 Big Mistakes First-Time Homebuyers Make
By Lambeth Hochwald

You've been squirreling away dollar after dollar and finally have a pile big enough to consider buying your first home. That's the good news. The not-so-great news: First-time buyers are prone to making some pretty big mistakes.

"Home sales have gone up and many first-time homebuyers are coming down with a case of home-buying FOMO," says Tanya Hobson-Williams, an attorney in Jamaica Estates, New York. In fact, 68 percent of millennial homeowners said they felt buyer's remorse after purchasing their home, according to a Bank of the West study published in July. "They will put the deposit down, move in, and then feel that case of buyer's remorse because they realize that it's not the house they wanted," says Hobson-Williams.

All the more reason you should take your time. Read on for the 10 things you should never do in your quest to find your first home sweet home.


September 29, 2018 at 10:30PM
via Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time


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