Epic patches ’embarrassing’ issue with jiggly breasts in Fortnite

Epic patches ’embarrassing’ issue with jiggly breasts in Fortnite
By Rachel Kaser

Fortnite’s Season 6 update added a small animation update — one which gave some characters a little extra bounce. Gamers certainly didn’t seem to mind, but Epic Games might have overreacted just a bit. One of the first people to notice was streamer Agony, who posted an illustrative gif of the new… um, feature. The most important thing in the Season 6 update pic.twitter.com/FrnzFsF1Fl — FaZe Agony (@Agony) September 27, 2018 I was, naturally, eager to see the response, because if there’s one thing I can count on gamers for, it’s to respond to any issues involving gender and the female…

This story continues at The Next Web

September 29, 2018 at 12:20AM
via The Next Web https://ift.tt/2zDFFJS


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