Burger King trolls artificial intelligence with new ads

Burger King trolls artificial intelligence with new ads
By Tristan Greene

Burger King’s newest ad campaign mocks machine learning with a series of commercials that take a lighthearted jab at AI-generated media. Each video begins “This ad was created by artificial intelligence,” before devolving into delicious imagery and hilarious gibberish. The best part: None of them were created by AI. They were actually conceived and made by an ad agency called David Miami – the same company behind Burger King’s net neutrality-themed campaign earlier this year. The previous campaigns were part commercial, part social experiment (read that as “prank”), and this one’s no different. Burger King is playing along on social…

This story continues at The Next Web

September 28, 2018 at 09:56PM
via The Next Web https://ift.tt/2zCaFda


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