Watch this satisfying video of Boston Dynamics’ new robot perfectly stacking boxes

Watch this satisfying video of Boston Dynamics’ new robot perfectly stacking boxes
By Ivan Mehta

We’ve seen Boston Dynamics’ robots running on different terrains with ease, opening doors for each other, and dancing to Bruno Mars’ hit Uptown Funk. Now, in the latest episode of “Robots Got Talent,” a video released by the company features its robot, Handle, stacking boxes in a factory like a champ. the two-wheeled robot picks up 5kg boxes from shelves, moves to a pile of boxes, and neatly stacks them using force control. The company says Handle can work with boxes weighing up to 15kg, and stack up pallets that are 1.2 m wide and 1.7 m tall. Not bad for…

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March 29, 2019 at 01:42PM
via The Next Web


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