Here’s why Cuba has painfully slow Internet – and what Google’s doing to fix it

Here’s why Cuba has painfully slow Internet – and what Google’s doing to fix it
By Matthew Hughes

Yesterday, Google announced it’s teaming up with Cuba’s telecommunications monopoly, ETECSA, in order to bring faster Internet access to the island. The news is no doubt a relief for Cuba’s citizenry, who have to endure high Internet costs and excruciatingly slow speeds. These factors combine to give Cuba one of the lowest Internet penetration rates in the Western hemisphere. But why is a middle-income country, situated within spitting distance of the United States, a digital dead-zone? The answer is actually fairly interesting and involves a number of factors. Dude, where’s my cables? There’s a massive network of undersea fiber optic…

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March 29, 2019 at 09:00PM
via The Next Web


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