The week’s best Android games to play while avoiding the weirdo on your commute

The week’s best Android games to play while avoiding the weirdo on your commute
By NimbleThor

Welcome to our new column, in which YouTuber NimbleThor brings you a short list of the best new mobile games for your Android device, released over the past week. Whether you’re into casual time wasters or hardcore shooters, you’ll find something in here to exercise your thumbs with. We all know the feeling… you’re on your usual commute home from work, looking forward to zoning out or getting in some quality time with your phone, when suddenly, the smelly person sitting two seats away starts up a conversation. What do you do? Our suggestion is avoiding eye contact while booting up any of these…

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August 31, 2018 at 03:37PM
via The Next Web


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