Sony’s 1000XM3 makes one of the best noise-cancelling headphones even better

Sony’s 1000XM3 makes one of the best noise-cancelling headphones even better
By Napier Lopez

Google “best noise-cancelling headphones,” and you’ll see almost certainly see Sony’s 1000X series among the top recommendations. My boss liked the WH-1000MX2 so much he may or may not have stole them from Sony. Now in its third iteration, the WH-1000XM3 – Sony really needs a better naming scheme – brings significant improvements to both sound and comfort at a $349 price point. Oh, and it finally ditched Micro USB for USB-C. You can thank a a new “HD Noise Cancelling Processor QN1” for the audio improvements. Sony says it’s four four times more powerful than its predecesssor, which allows it…

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August 30, 2018 at 05:15PM
via The Next Web


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