Telegram’s updated privacy terms make it unsafe for terrorists – but what about the rest of us?

Telegram’s updated privacy terms make it unsafe for terrorists – but what about the rest of us?
By Abhimanyu Ghoshal

Messaging service Telegram has updated its privacy policy to include a clause which states that it may hand over users’ IP address and phone number if it receives a court order that indicates those people are terror suspects. The company added that this hasn’t ever happened yet, and that if it does, it’ll disclose it in a semiannual transparency report. With that, Telegram believes it’s now in compliance with the European Union’s GDPR guidelines. But what does this spell for users? Founder Pavel Durov noted that this will only make the service less hospitable to terrorists, who may seek to…

This story continues at The Next Web

August 30, 2018 at 12:58PM
via The Next Web


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