TNW2018 attendees tell us which technology will be our downfall

TNW2018 attendees tell us which technology will be our downfall
By Ailsa Sherrington

We met some truly awesome people last week at TNW Conference. The whole point was to learn about the future of tech, and so we wanted to ask some attendees which technology would be our downfall and our savior. Some of their answers were wonderfully existentialist: Thomas Neau “Tech is tools. I don’t expect to be saved by tech, I just need to use it. I trust people to do the right thing.”   Max Meijer “I’m not sure if I can answer this correctly, but I have to say I think the biggest tech-failure so far is that it…

This story continues at The Next Web

May 29, 2018 at 03:11PM
via The Next Web


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