LG developed AI to cure VR motion-sickness

LG developed AI to cure VR motion-sickness
By Tristan Greene

Korean tech giant LG recently unveiled a deep learning method to eliminate latency and motion-blur in VR. If VR makes you vomit, this is good news for you. The problem: VR makes people sick. Fuzzy low-res graphics combined with motion-blur create a visual cocktail the human brain (and stomach) rejects. The issue, for developers, is figuring out how to make VR look more realistic, more fluid, and remove the motion-blur caused by latency. The solution: LG’s optimized algorithms, developed with Songang University, process information in memory, according to reports. This means the AI can immediately bring extra resources to graphics…

This story continues at The Next Web

Or just read more coverage about: LG

May 29, 2018 at 09:59PM
via The Next Web https://ift.tt/2GZQpTe


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