Bad news for anyone who wanted that ridiculous Energizer phone

Bad news for anyone who wanted that ridiculous Energizer phone
By Matthew Hughes

Hello! Cast your mind back a few months to February, when we encountered a ridiculous Energizer-branded smartphone at MWC. Measuring several inches thick and packing a bonkers 18,000 mAh battery, it was easily the most memorable gadget from the show. Do you remember how thick it was? Remember how holding the Energizer P18K Pop felt like you were carrying a thick paperback book filled with turgid Serbian poetry? Remember how Samsung and Huawei were touting phones that literally bended, and everyone was like, “nope, this is weirder?” And do you remember how, deep down, you kinda wanted one? Well, I’ve…

This story continues at The Next Web

April 30, 2019 at 08:04PM
via The Next Web


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