The Oros Orion Parka uses NASA-inspired aerogel to keep you warm without the bulk

The Oros Orion Parka uses NASA-inspired aerogel to keep you warm without the bulk
By Napier Lopez

I do not like the cold. I grew up on a tropical island, and though I appreciate the beauty of the first snow and winter festivities I will do everything in my power to avoid going out once the temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Needless to say that when Oros, an outdoor apparel company, offered to let me try its $300 Orion Parka with ‘NASA-inspired’ insulation, I was curious. You may have heard of aerogel before. One of the lightest man-made materials and greatest insulators, it’s what NASA uses to insulate things that need to go to space. If you’ve…

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January 30, 2019 at 07:27AM
via The Next Web


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