Blockchain is the key to fair distribution of wealth in the sharing economy

Blockchain is the key to fair distribution of wealth in the sharing economy
By Jovana Karanović

Early sharing economy enthusiasts had a clear vision for the peer-to-peer marketplace: path towards sustainability, empowerment of individuals, and new job opportunities for the disadvantaged. However, the sharing economy’s giants such as Uber and Airbnb quickly overtook the marketplace, painting a vastly different picture. While they provide convenience and efficiency, there’s a price to pay: low wages and job insecurity. As a result, we’ve seen a number of workers across the globe take it to the streets to voice their dissatisfaction with unfair work practices. And these workers are not just talking the talk; they’ve also started walking it. A…

This story continues at The Next Web

March 31, 2018 at 02:30PM
via The Next Web


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